About Misinterpreted Bible Verses The Bible is not a list of truth propositions, although some parts are so. As such, there are misinterpreted bible verses when people treat the Bible as such. From my own experience, there are a number …

Misinterpreted Bible Verses: 4 Common Mistakes That You Absolutely Need to Note Read more »

Lately, I did a theological study on Job and Ecclesiastes as part of my Master of Divinity course. These are wisdom literatures from the Old Testament that address issues in life such as suffering and meaning of life. Learning about …

Wisdom and Suffering: 2 Reflections about God’s Sovereignty Read more »

Recently I have been taking a course on biblical language research. This course focuses on using the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts to do biblical research. The process which we used was not far from what I have done in this …

Biblical Language Research that results in Transformation: 3 Practical Reflections Read more »