The debate about cessationism and continuationism is one that has plagued the Christian church for a long time in the modern era. I was drawn to a related discussion recently on Facebook with an ex-classmate over the hunger for supernatural …

Cessationism and Continuationism: 5 Simple Meaningful Pointers to Consider Read more »

Recently I have been taking a course on biblical language research. This course focuses on using the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts to do biblical research. The process which we used was not far from what I have done in this …

Biblical Language Research that results in Transformation: 3 Practical Reflections Read more »

History is easily one of the most misunderstood disciplines, especially in Singapore. Here in Singapore, students often have the impression that history is a subject to memorise. And they spend time memorising their textbooks that they fail to see beyond …

Importance of History in Christianity: 8 Compelling Reasons Read more »