Lockdown. Circuit Breaker. Movement Control Order. These are some words that have been used by different governments around the world to describe the measures taken to keep their citizens at home. The purpose is to reduce the transmission of the …

Lockdown: How to Spend Your Time Meaningfully at Home During This Insane Period Read more »

Back in the days when I was involved in full-time ministry, the organisation was organising Christian leadership conferences and seminar. And I often shared that I am not a fan of the concept of Christian leadership, especially when one can …

Christian Leadership: 4 Important Considerations That You Must Think About Read more »

Internet vigilantism – this is a term that has emerged with the rise of social media. Wikipedia defines this as “the act of carrying out vigilante activities through the Internet (the communication network or its service providers) or carried out using applications (World Wide Web, e-mail) …

Internet Vigilantism: 3 Provocative Perspectives To Ponder About Read more »